Cannabis The Cat’s sole purpose is to educate the public about marijuana, and to encourage an open discussion with anyone about weed.

Cannabis The Cat is not affiliated with any political parties.

Cannabis The Cat made his first appearance on May 17th, 2021. Featured in paperback on Amazon. Cannabis The Cat To The Rescue. Book one from the series, The Adventures of Cannabis The Cat.

Favorite lines from Cannabis The Cat

“Don’t forget to talk to your parents about weed.”

“Keep your medicine at home, not in the car.”

“Always store marijuana safely away from children and pets.”

Interesting fact about Cannabis The Cat:

Cannabis The Cat does not use marijuana.

Cannabis The Cat prefers Catnip.

Pictured above is my Cannabis The Cat.

Birthdate: Feb 14th 2021

First mouse: July 2,2021

Contact Cannabis @

Cannabis The Cat

P.O  Box 420

South Bend, In 46624